Aku seneng banget, sebelum ke Kota Gedhe (pusat kerajinan perak di Jogja), sempet mampir ke kostnya si-Tita. Tambah cantik aja dia yak? Emang dari dulu udah cakep... he he he..
Barusan Beth (editor Metro TV yang sekarang tugas berat di Aceh) nelpon kerumah.
Ngobrol ngalor ngidul gak keruan, cekakak cekikik, dan tak terasa kira-kira sampe setengah jam.
Aneh mungkin...padahal sama sekali tak aneh. MUngkin karena posko Metro di Banda Aceh pada gratis... wehehehe..
Ku tunggu di Blitar (Acara pameran Photo & Lukisan)... Caow
Sumpek dari banyak hal, dan ini hanya gara-gara hardware! Pertama dimulai dari mainboard & processor mletus gara-gara "ditinggikan" ato overclock! Nyesel degh agh...
Kedua, VGA langsung mlempem. Kipas (fan) tak lagi berputar. Ku tuker dengan yang gedhe, ternyata sama aja... apes lagi degh agh...
Ketiga, Hardisk gak pernah dingin... alias mendidih terus menerus! Panasnya sampe mie rebus mateng. He he he langsung degh ku tuker dengan yang lebih besar walaupun duit pas pas-an Sekalian tuker VGA yang lebih mumpuni.
Sekarang, gantian CDRW yang ribet tanpa alasan. Duh gusti...Kena tipu lagi degh agh...
I've been waiting a long time for this moment to come I'm destinedfor anything at alldowntown lights will be shiningon me like a new diamond ring out under the midnight hourwell no one can touch me nowand I can't turn my back it's to late ready or not at all
well I'm so much closer thanI have ever knownwake up
dawning of a new eracalling don't let it catch you fallingready or not at alloh so close enough to taste italmost I can embrace this feeling on the tip of my tounge
well I'm so much closer thanI have ever knownwake upbetter thank your lucky stars(shey hey hey)
well I'm so much closer thanI have ever knownwake upbetter thank your lucky stars(shey hey hey)
I've been waiting a lifetime for this moment to comeI'm dstined for anything at all
dumbstruckcolour me stupidgood luckyou're gonna need itwhere I'm going if I get there at all
wake upbetter thank your lucky stars